
Weekly Devotion

Weekly Devotion

Weekly Devotion

By: Jeremiah Bass Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Eph.
Millie Mattered chairman Caryn Stanley handing out Narcan at the 5K freedom run

Millie Mattered chairman Caryn Stanley handing out Narcan at the 5K freedom run

Millie Mattered

Awareness 5K runs are one way that addiction treatment and advocacy groups grab the public’s attention. This attention is crucial: when most people don’t understand addiction recovery or stigmatize it, spreading the true narrative for everyone to learn matters.

Editor’s Note

I have jokingly said, my opinion is not worth Booster ink.”) but there are rare occasions I will share it in print. This is one of those occasions.

Millie Mattered

This is for all the mothers who have the strength to go forward after losing their child. Days go by as you look out at the sky and can’t help but let your mind roam.

Millie Mattered

This weekend is Mother’s Day. The day the country salutes mothers. The day families gather together for fellowship and food. The church pews will be filled and florists will run out of flowers as they make their deliveries during this designated day. Families will make plans to spend time together to honor mom for all she does throughout the year.
CALLIE ANN MCENTYRE and Bonnie Farmer Hay pictured above.

CALLIE ANN MCENTYRE and Bonnie Farmer Hay pictured above.

Letter To Editor

Nearly seven million Americans are living with Alzheimer's, including 95,000 in Louisiana. As an Alzheimer's Advocate, it is my honor to raise my voice on their behalf.
Weekly Devotion

Weekly Devotion

Weekly Devotion

Are you tired? Worn out? … Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.
This space is donated to Millie Mattered for the promotion of drug awareness and prevention.

This space is donated to Millie Mattered for the promotion of drug awareness and prevention.

Millie Mattered

March 21 of 2019 I read a proclamation post that was sent to me from above. Staci James wrote a moving piece about the loss of her son, Hagen.
Jesus prayed for you

Jesus prayed for you

Weekly Devotion

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. John 17:20 To hear that Jesus prays for you may perhaps feel like the sentiments of an overly spiritual dreamer.

Millie Mattered

Very common questions from people in re‑covery is; I'm sober now, so what next? Will my life always be like this? Will I always walk on egg‑shells? Is there any fun in being sober? Ok so, you have found sobriety. You may have managed to put a few weeks, months or even a year on your recovery status. You want to be social, you want to have a life, but drugs and alcohol can no longer play apart. I understand these questions more than I understand most questions about sobriety. I understand it because, I get exactly where it comes from and I understand exactly why people ask. I understand why it seems so incomprehensible. I understand it because they were my questions when I first got clean. How does one vacation at the beach without tequi‑la, dinner without wine, brunch without cham‑pagne, party without shots? How do you not get silly drunk with friends? How do you not smoke pot at a concerts? How do you have fun sober?