Catahoula Parish Shooting Club members qualify for state

CATAHOULA PARISH Shooting Sports Club pictured above, from left to right: Front row Landon Ferguson, George Bacon, Ainsley Ogle, Claire Camp‑bell, Austin Nealm, and Jake McGuffee. Center row Tommy Mayo. Back row Braden McGuffee, Devin Littleton, Madyson Campbell, Emily Womack, Liam Bass, and Tommy Ogle.

CATAHOULA PARISH Shooting Sports Club pictured above, from left to right: Front row Landon Ferguson, George Bacon, Ainsley Ogle, Claire Camp‑bell, Austin Nealm, and Jake McGuffee. Center row Tommy Mayo. Back row Braden McGuffee, Devin Littleton, Madyson Campbell, Emily Womack, Liam Bass, and Tommy Ogle.

Catahoula Parish Shooting Sports Club Members competed in the Regional Shotgun (Modified Trap) Competition. The shoot was held at the Long-Range Alley Gun Club in Grand Cane, LA on Friday, March 22, 2024.Members qualifying for the State Shoot in the junior division were Liam Bass (44/50 skeets) and Austin Neal (43/50 skeets).Braden McGuffee qualified in the senior division hitting 48 out‑of 50…

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