
Recent Supreme Court decisions attack the ‘Deep State,’ will help restore the constitutional order

Two recent U. S. Supreme Court cases will help return our national government to the correct constitutional order. These two cases involve, firstly, the immunity of a president from criminal prosecution and, secondly, the practice— now ended by the Supreme Court—of having federal courts defer to agency interpretations of that agency's rules and regulations.

Tomorrow comes every day

“O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!” Put 6:00 P.M., Monday, July 22nd, 2024, on your calendar. It’s the date and time of a regular meeting of the Police Jury, but it involves an issue of some significance: the regulation of solar farms in Catahoula Parish.

June 2024 Presidential Debate

What I witnessed this past Thursday was not what I expected. At the conclusion of the debate I thought, do Democrats who support Pres. Biden actually believe he is capable and competent to be president? That he can actually serve as Commander of Chief?

Being last may not be worst

Where can I get one of those big hands with a pointing finger like those that people hold up at football games saying “We’re No. 1”? I need one that says, “We’re No.

Posting the Ten Commandments in Louisiana public schools

This past week the Louisiana Legislature passed into law a bill that requires the displaying of the 10 Commandments in every publicschool classroom in the state. Our young people are trying to survive the cultural cesspool that modern American society has become and being reminded of the eternal principles of morality and faith, and encouraging respect for parents, can only benefit them.
Private service but public needs

Private service but public needs

Private service but public needs

The voting is over four months away but the controversy concerning what we should do about ambulance service in Catahoula Parish is already with us. A common complaint, which seems to come mostly from people who have not needed an ambulance lately, is that we should not be taxing the public to pay for service from a private ambulance company.

Cynically using the false narrative of climate change to do social engineering

I periodically return to this topic because of the intensity and frequency with which the narrative is pushed by the Climate Change Religionists, this time regarding the UN (United Nations) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) which continuously promote hysteria and the supposed 'apocalyptic' nature of climate change to push an agenda that will essentially remake humanity and human beings.

Mayors, Police Jury must work together now

I have been told by someone more likely to know what they are talking about than I am (and you’re thinking, “Well, that could have been my dog”), that there still may be time to salvage a plan to pay for an ambulance to be stationed in Catahoula Parish.

Biden’s new executive dis-order highlights insanity of border invasion

The new executive order will essentially make no difference as it still allows up to 2,500 illegal aliens to invade the U.S. across our southern border every day. There is also reliable evidence that the migrants are no longer coming from Central America, they're coming from Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania, and Lebanon, and they are single men, not families.

Will Catahoula Parish resurrect itself?

Sometimes, in the darker hours, there are faint signs of life even in Catahoula Parish. So far, the response from volunteers to the Louisiana Mainstreet initiative to revitalize the downtown area in Jonesville has been enthusiastic.