
Who is responsible?

One of the least flattering aspects of our debates over emergency services has been the juggling and tossing away of responsibility to provide an ambulance as though it were a live hand grenade with the pin pulled. Much like a live grenade, our failure to deal with the issue has, I am told, resulted in at least one death already. Over the next many months, we should expect more.

Mary Edwards knows how to party

The Venue at 1300 Fourth (next to the Edwards Motel on US 84 in Jonesville) was the scene of a surprisingly robust turnout of people eager to learn more about the state sponsored Louisiana Main Street program. The buffet alone was worth the time.

Ambulance call

Jonesville Mayor Loria Hollins told me on Monday, May 20, 2024, that she wanted to cooperate to bring back an ambulance station to Jonesville and Catahoula Parish. That is welcome news and a very good thing for Jonesville, and the parish, in that an ambulance would help provide the service infrastructure necessary for future development. It would save lives in the parish, and keep our future prospects for economic growth viable, also.

Use of deadly force: ‘Stand your ground’ in Louisiana

The recent fatal shooting of a 12-year-old male in Shreveport has brought this issue back to light. The facts are still developing, but the allegation is that the individual was trying to break into a parked car in Southern Hills when the owner of the vehicle fired a weapon.

The Illegal, Undemocratic ‘Lawfare’ Strategy Against Trump by the Radical Left has Failed

The National Democratic Party has known for two years that President Biden's reelection campaign would require defending highly unpopular far-Left policies and an economy that still burdens millions of American families with a punitive inflation tax every time they buy groceries, fill up their car with gas or contend with a high interest rate. These hard-working, taxpaying Americans remember fondly the robust economic times under Pres. Trump, whose presidency contrasts sharply with that of a doddering, mentally defective candidate in Biden.

Police Jury lacks authority to regulate state highways

At the special Police Jury meeting of May 13, 2024, District Attorney Brad Burget expressed the opinion that the police Jury lacked the statutory authority to fund a professional ambulance station by collecting traffic fines for speeding on state highways.

Yet another constitution? Yes!

Almost all state constitutions tend to become legal dumpster fires. As reported in these pages last week (“Louisiana governor, lawmakers want changes to state constitution”, Catahoula News Booster, May 1, 2024) and as I have complained in this column every year for the last eight, Louisiana’s constitution is a marvel of incompetence and excess. Where are the Thomas Jeffersons and the James Madisons of the world when you need them?

Louisiana is justified in defying bew Biden transgender rules in Title IX

I love my dear home of Louisiana and am often proud of it, but never more so than this past week as Governor Jeff Landry, Attorney General Liz Murrill and Louisiana Superintendent of Education, Cade Brumley, announced that the new Biden Title IX rules are unconstitutional, an overreach of federal law and dangerous for biological females. The rule change formalizes the Biden Department of Education’s redefinition of the meaning of “sex” to include “gender identity.”

We can make a better plan

On April 25, 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported that, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the birth rate in America is estimated as of 2023, to be 1.62 children per woman. A birth rate averaging 2.1 children over a woman’s lifetime is necessary to maintain a population at a stable level. The Journal reports that, according to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of births per woman has been below replacement for about 50 years.